In the current fiscal, Ministry’s Going Green initiative has been rolled out by launch of Vriksharopan Abhiyan (VA) on 23.07.2020 by the Hon’ble Home Minister in presence of Hon’ble Minister of Coal.

Continuance of Vriksharopan Abhiyan

With the encouragement and guidance of Hon’ble Home Minister and Hon’ble Minister of Coal, Vriksharopan continued with full vigour in coal fields resulting inplantation of more than 42 lakh saplings over an area of 1760 Ha in and around coalfields.

This initiative focuses on afforestation by launching plantation drives to contribute towards sustainability. It was rolled out to mark events like India’s 75 years of independence and was implemented in 2020 and 2021

This organization is also involved in activities related to promoting tree plantation. They offer different types of fabric products, such as carry bags, and encourage people to “donate a tree” to help fight pollution

Tree planting is the process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes. It differs from the transplantation of larger trees in arboriculture and from the lower-cost but slower and less reliable distribution of tree seeds. Trees contribute to their environment over long periods of time by improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.